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Android users, iMessage is better than you think

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Joe Fedewa

As a longtime Android user, I have a confession. I like iMessage. I couldn’t understand why it was a big deal, but I quickly realized how wrong I was. You may also underestimate it.

Me idea I understand why iPhone users love iMessage so much. The closest to Android is RCS, which greatly improves text messaging. But iMessage goes far beyond just great SMS, not just blue and green bubbles.

Related: How to check if your Android smartphone has RCS

My history on the iPhone

First, I would like to explain my point of view. I have been using an Android device for over 10 years. At that time, I had several iPhones, but they weren’t my primary device. In other words, I never inserted a SIM card and actually used it for text messages and calls.

This gave me a pretty good understanding of how iOS works, but I had no experience with one of its biggest features, iMessage. As a little experiment, I finally decided to really use an iPhone or SIM card for a while.

I am sending text messages as a blue bubble person for the first time in my life, but it is very interesting to observe from the other side.

iMessage is not SMS

iPhone iMessage.
DenPhotos /

Let’s talk a bit about how iMessage actually works. I thought iMessage was basically just a fancy version of SMS, similar to RCS, but quite different from both of these standards.

A more equivalent comparison of iMessage is Facebook Messenger. You can send a message to anyone with a Facebook account, and messages, photos and videos will be sent over Wi-Fi and data. It does not count towards text message assignments by wireless plans.

Like Facebook Messenger, this gives iMessage a range of features not possible with SMS or RCS. Messages are sent much faster, you can “react” to messages and send money, and many other fun effects enhance your experience.

For some, this probably sounds very obvious. Of course, iMessage is not SMS. I knew how iMessage works at the technical level, but that alone doesn’t give the big picture.

Related: What is iMessage? How is it different from SMS?

What makes iMessage great

iMessage text effects.

As a first-time iMessage user, I quickly found a lot of things I liked. My iMessage Sherpa showed me a lot of fun, like “bubble” and “screen” text effects. Of course, the infamous reaction is also great. They actually provide an easy way to respond without saying anything.

Sending photos and videos is much better with iMessage. Media works over Wi-Fi and data, so it sends faster and improves quality. On the technical side, the fact that iMessage has end-to-end encryption is a great bonus. The little things that others can see while typing are also nifty.

In general, that’s why iMessage is great. It’s not just a “fancy SMS”, it’s essentially a full-fledged instant messaging app without all the drawbacks of a standalone app. You don’t have to download it from the App Store or have your friends switch to it. It just works with the same phone number you had forever.

However, the feeling of using an instant messaging app is exactly the cause of all iMessage problems. Specifically, it’s a green bubble situation, not as simple as the iPhone and Android.

Related: What is end-to-end encryption and why is it important?

Why green bubbles feel invasive

Text message.
Thomas Pajot /

Much has been said and written about the blue and green bubbles on the iPhone. Messages that aren’t sent via SMS retain their original green color, while iMessage is blue. So what’s the big deal?

My experience in this situation was only from the perspective of the sender of the green bubble. I’ve heard a lot of complaints from my iPhone friends, but I didn’t mind. That wasn’t my problem. Being on the receiving side of the green bubbles is a very different perspective.

It’s not just a matter of “Oh, this person isn’t using an iPhone, so they’re lame.” That elitist spirit certainly still exists, and that’s the way I’ve always been frustrated when I was a green bubble, but it’s not the only one.

Phone numbers are very similar to email addresses. When someone gets it, they can almost contact you from any email service they use. The same concept is why green bubbles feel invasive. iMessage adopts universal standards like email addresses (phone numbers in this case) and turns them into “apps”.

However, the big difference between iMessage and instant messaging apps is who can contact you. Only Facebook users can send messages with Facebook Messenger, Anyone You can send text to your phone number.That is, iMessage feel Like an instant messaging app, it makes the green bubble feel like a message from an external incompatible app.

Related: iPhone SMS messages are not green for the reason you think

It’s Apple’s fault

Two phones.  One has RCS.

We always like to hold someone accountable, so who can we point to about all of this? iPhone users blame Android users. Android users, on the other hand, blame iPhone users. Both sides are plagued by the situation.

Well, I hate you, iPhone users, breaking it, but it’s all Apple’s fault. Apple has adopted phone numbers, a universal method of communication, and made it platform-dependent for its own benefit. To make matters worse, Apple doesn’t want to adopt the latest RCS standards for fallback when iMessage isn’t used.

in fact, iPhone A device that uses an older communication standard. The photos and videos from the green bubbles are from your Android smartphone, so they don’t look bad. It looks bad because Apple is forcing SMS instead of RCS. Like iMessage, RCS supports high quality media along with other features.

Apple doesn’t have to give up iMessage to support RCS. While making green bubble text a better experience for both parties, you can continue to use iMessage with all the great features for iPhone users. Google is doing its job to clear Apple’s turmoil, but Apple doesn’t want to cooperate.

With iMessage, you really want to send text to people, but on Android smartphones it feels like a last resort to reach someone. I think that’s a big thing I didn’t rate about iMessage. It’s not really just an SMS with additional features, both functionally and mentally.

Still, I don’t like Apple’s aggressive exacerbations. iMessage is enough to stand on its own. Apple doesn’t need to run this subliminal attack campaign against products other than the iPhone to make it look good. Messaging is suitable for everyone, regardless of the color of the bubble.
